Qiyun International 2024 First Half Summary Conference and Second Half Work Plan Conference

View:94 Pub Time:2024-07-29
On July 27th, Qiyun International held a grand summary meeting and second half work plan meeting for the first half of 2024 at its headquarters on the 16th floor of Bantian Ganfeng Building. This is a grand event to review the past and look forward to the future, as well as a gathering place to gather strength and boost morale.

(General Manager's Summary Speech)

(General Manager's Summary Speech)

At the beginning of the meeting, General Manager Zhang Xiao summarized the work of the first half of the year. He proudly announced that thanks to the joint efforts of all colleagues, Qiyun International has achieved unprecedented results in the past six months. These achievements are not only reflected in the significant growth of sales performance, but also in the continuous improvement of customer service quality, steady expansion of market share, and continuous optimization of internal management. General Manager Zhang Xiao expressed sincere gratitude to every employee for their hard work and emphasized that it is everyone's concerted efforts that have created today's glory.
Subsequently, the heads of the General Office, Finance Department, Sales Department, Commerce Department, Logistics Department, Marketing Department, and Customer Service Department took the stage one by one to provide a detailed summary of their department's work in the first half of the year. They demonstrated the significant achievements of their respective departments in business promotion, cost control, market expansion, service improvement, etc. They candidly analyzed the existing problems and proposed practical and feasible solutions.

(Each department summarizes the first half of the year and plans for the second half of the year)

(Each department summarizes the first half of the year and plans for the second half of the year)

In summary, in the first half of the year, various departments actively made work plans for the second half of the year. The sales department will increase its marketing efforts and strive to achieve higher sales targets in the second half of the year; The logistics department will further improve delivery efficiency to ensure customer satisfaction; The marketing department will delve into market demand and provide more valuable insights for product development; The customer service department will continue to optimize service processes and improve service quality.
At the commendation session of this conference. In order to thank employees for their hard work and outstanding contributions, the company has specially established the Outstanding Employee Award and Outstanding Team Award. When the winners came on stage to receive their awards, the venue erupted in applause and everyone cheered for them together. In addition, the company has also issued appointment letters to newly introduced management talents, hoping that they will continue to shine in their new positions.

(Commending outstanding employees and teams)

(Commending outstanding employees and teams)

At the end of the meeting, General Manager Zhang Xiao took the stage again and outlined a grand blueprint for the second half of the year for all employees. He emphasized that Qiyun International will continue to adhere to customer-centric and innovation driven approaches, comprehensively enhancing the company's core competitiveness and market influence. Next, the company will further strengthen internal management, improve employee satisfaction, and create a more harmonious and efficient working environment.
The successful convening of this meeting summarized the work achievements of the first half of the year and pointed out the direction for the development of the second half of the year. All employees of Qiyun International will work together with greater enthusiasm and firm confidence to meet the challenges of the second half of the year and create a better tomorrow for the company.
Qiyun International will continue to adhere to the business philosophy of "customer first, integrity-based", constantly innovate and improve, provide customers with better products and services, create broader development opportunities for employees, and contribute more value to society. Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of Qiyun International in the second half of the year together!