Joining Hands Together for a Long Journey -2024 Huidong Expansion Activity

View:101 Pub Time:2024-07-09


(Group photo of all staff)

In this fast-paced era, our company not only focuses on the work ability of employees, but also values teamwork among employees and the overall cultural atmosphere of the company. In order to enhance communication among employees, liven up the company atmosphere, strengthen company culture construction, and enhance company cohesion, our company organized a team building activity for all employees from July 6th to 7th, and the location was chosen in the beautiful Shuangyue Bay in Huidong.
This event not only invited all employees, but also warmly welcomed their families to participate, allowing them to spend an unforgettable weekend together in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. This arrangement not only makes employees feel cared for by the company, but also enables family members to better understand and support their work.

(Sailing out to sea)

On July 6th, everyone embarked on a team building journey with excitement. The first activity is sailing experience. Under the breeze of the sea, we boarded a sailboat together, feeling the grandeur of the sea and the charm of nature. This activity not only tests everyone's teamwork ability, but also allows everyone to experience the joy of growth through challenges.
At noon, we checked into the Shuangyue Bay Seaview Hotel. The balcony of the hotel here offers a beautiful view of the seaside, and the beautiful sea is next to the hotel. You can stroll on the beach or go swimming in the sea for endless fun.

(Sea View Hotel, picturesque scenery)

(Cool summer, beautiful time)

In the afternoon, we enjoyed delicious afternoon tea on the beach by the sea. Everyone sat together, savoring desserts, exchanging their life and work experiences. This relaxed and joyful atmosphere made everyone feel relaxed and happy.
Under the organization of the team leader, a series of fun games and multiple team collaboration games have been launched, aiming to stimulate people's intelligence and test their physical strength, and to recognize the importance of teamwork. Laughter and cheers kept coming and going, making people intoxicated.

(Group photo on the beach)

(Bonfire Evening Party Group Photo)

(Activities: afternoon tea, fun games, barbecue, bonfire party, setting off fireworks)

In the evening, we held a barbecue activity. Everyone sits together and cooks their favorite food with their own hands, showing off their hands. Not only do they share the food, but they also tell interesting stories, with laughter and joy spreading throughout this dusk. As night fell, the campfire roared up, illuminating the entire campsite. We danced around the bonfire and the laughter and joy under the starry sky became the most beautiful memory of that night.

(Real person CS group)

(Real CS Group 2)

(Off road vehicle adventure, real person CS battle)

On July 7th, we welcomed an even more exciting event - a battle between off-road vehicles and real-life CS. Everyone first drives an off-road vehicle to fully explore the wilderness, challenge themselves, break through themselves, and surpass themselves. After a long off-road vehicle adventure, the two immediately welcomed a real-life CS battle, where everyone fought in groups, fearless, and bravely advanced, testing their reaction and teamwork abilities. In the game, many players innovated their gameplay and had endless fun
At the end of this team building activity, all of us were able to broaden our horizons and broaden our horizons. More importantly, through interaction and cooperation, we enhanced communication and strengthened team cohesion. What we gain is not only joy and joy, but also a profound understanding and appreciation of the company culture and team spirit.
We believe that through such team building activities, our team will become more united and efficient. In our future work, we will work together with more enthusiasm and more tacit teamwork to meet every challenge and create more brilliant performance.