Revised Food Labeling Standards in Australia

View:198 Pub Time:2024-05-16
On April 28, 2024, the Australian Federal Register website released a newly revised food labeling standard, which will come into effect on April 29, 2024. Main content:

(1) 1.2.1-8 Food label information. Generally, there are requirements: food name, batch, production company name and address, warning statement, ingredient description, production date, storage conditions and usage instructions, information related to nutrition and health, nutritional information, genetically modified, irradiation declaration;

(2) Other product requirements. The maximum proportion of fat in minced meat; For fermented, crushed, and processed meat: necessary information related to the meat processing method; Process declaration for edible oil; The name and volume percentage of each fruit juice in the mixture of mixed fruit juices; Declaration and other information required for electrolyte beverages and electrolyte beverage substrates; Formulated beverages containing caffeine, etc.

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